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发布时间:2017-12-04 作者:派智库 来源:同花顺财经 浏览:【字体:

  If we fail to amend the rules, and legislators continue to filibuster every government proposal, Hong Kong will probably be finished.


  有一种议事的方式叫“拉布”,在香港立法会里常常被使用。因为“拉布”,许多关乎民生的议案被延缓、搁置,包括广深港高铁香港段的诸多事项,都是被“拉布”拖延的。 织梦内容管理系统




  近日,香港廉政公署前副廉政专员郭文纬撰文谈及“拉布”,在他看来,面对新加坡、深圳的快速赶超和发展,未来的香港输不起,而“拉布”则是其中最大的阻碍之一。 内容来自dedecms

  全文如下: dedecms.com

  一场香港输不起的战争 织梦好,好织梦

  (英文标题:Why Hong Kong people should support move to end filibustering in Legislative Council)



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  If one has to name a single factor why Hong Kong is losing its competitiveness vis-à-vis its neighbouring cities, such asSingaporeand Shenzhen, many people are likely to blame our legislature’s filibustering problem.


  这结论是有根有据的,在2016至2017年度,政府提给立法会的29个法案中,只有12个法案获得通过,而当中很多未能完成提案都是和香港未来发展息息相关。当时,反对派成员曾95次要求点算会议法定人数,浪费无数应用以讨论提案的时间。大部份反对派的立法会议员刻意缺席,故意导致因法定人数不足而休会的情况出现。反对派的议员似乎忘记他们每个月出粮的基本责任就是出席立法会会议,对这种出粮而不愿返工的立法会议员,市民都感到十分愤怒。 织梦好,好织梦

  In that year, opposition party members of theLegislative Councilcalled for quorum counts on 95 occasions, wasting many hours set aside for debates. It is sad that these legislators forgot their basic duty as lawmakers, and intentionally absented themselves to force an adjournment of the meeting due to the lack of a quorum.





  Because of their filibustering, the Finance Committee approved only HK$58 billion of the HK$130 billion needed that year for construction projects that had been approved by the public works subcommittee. In the past, the Finance Committee took an average of two hours to approve one item; last year, it needed an average of 4.2 hours to do the same. 织梦好,好织梦

  拉布拖垮香港发展的其中一个经典例子,就是一名代表医学界的立法会议员,成功以拉布策略阻止政府通过重组医务委员会的提案。因为医务委员会无法重组,结果令市民大众因医疗界继续因自我自利的态度受损失,例如无法聘请足够海外医疗专才。最近有审计报告指,北大屿山医院有大量设施因人手不足而未投入服务,而其他医院却挤逼得要将病床放出走廊。 copyright dedecms

  In one case during the 2015/16 legislative year, a filibustering lawmaker representing the medical sector single-handedlysucceeded in scuppering a government billto restructure the Medical Council. Without such reform, there is little hope of relaxing the Medical Council’s high entry bar for foreign-trained doctors, and Hong Kong hospitals continue to suffer from a shortage of manpower.It was saddening to learn from a recent report by the Audit Commission that a sizeable part of the North Lantau Hospitalhas been left unuseddue to a shortage of staff. 本文来自织梦




  Another case in point is the recent debate on the government’s non-binding motion to set up a joint checkpoint for the high-speed rail linking Hong Kong and the mainland. The actual time members spoke on this debate was 8 hours, while 15 hours were wasted because of opposition filibustering. Lawmaker Eddie Chu Hoi-dick even went to the extreme ofputting up a motion to bar the mediafrom the chamber for the debate, for the sole purpose of delaying a vote. As a result, he has beenaccused of suppressing press freedom. His stupid act clearly showed that the opposition parties have lost their common sense. 织梦好,好织梦

  正如香港行政会议成员及立法会议员张宇人在香港电台发表的“给香港的信”中所指,当他担任2014至2015年度立法会财务委员会主席时,他花了首三个月时间处理上个立法年度,因为“拉布”而延迟审批的财政议案。虽然议案于半年后通过,但却因通胀而需额外拨款28亿元,他说:“这些都是市民的金钱,不应被扔进沟渠。” 内容来自dedecms

  In a recentLetter to Hong Kongepisode on RTHK radio, legislator Tommy Cheung Yu-yan revealed that, as chairman of the Finance Committee in 2014/15, he spent the first three months handling financial proposals that were carried forward from the previous legislative session, thanks to the filibustering. Funding for these projects was approved six months later, but the amount had risen by an additional HK$2.8 billion, due to inflation. “This is your money, thrown down the drain unnecessarily,” he said.




  For these reasons, the public should welcome theproposal by pro-establishment legislatorsto amend the Legco procedural rules. It should be emphasised that the intention is not to shut the opposition up, as healthy debates are encouraged. Rather, the goal is to reduce the meaningless waste of time on filibustering and other delaying tactics. Indeed, most of the amendments will be based on the best practices used in the parliaments in theUK,CanadaandAustralia. dedecms.com

  不过,反对派的议员不会向这些合理的改变屈服,他们定会强力反对建议,并辅以反对派媒体,扮作真正受害者般误导大众以获取同情。 本文来自织梦

  The opposition in Legco can be expected to put up a strong fight against any proposed changes.

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  因此,建制派应该尽可能动员全港市民给予全力支持。我建议他们举办大型公众支持运动,如“反拉布大游行”、全城签名行动等,以所有受立法会“拉布”影响的“苦主”为主要对象。例如因财务委员会延迟通过数以十亿港元计的工程项目,而在过去两年生计受损的50万名建筑工人;希望看到医务委员会重组的医疗关注组;今年因为“拉布”而延迟加薪的18万名公仆;因为反对派不断否决政府寻找新土地的方案,而需要继续等候新居的百万个家庭;以及希望一地两检安排获顺利通过的跨境通(002640)勤者。 织梦内容管理系统

  Legislators should launch a major campaign to highlight the ills of filibustering – through marches, petitions and other activities. They should bring attention to those who have been hurt by the filibustering, such as the tens of thousands of construction workers whose livelihoods have been affected by the delay in funding approval for various projects; the concern groups who have been advocating for Medical Council reform; the 180,000 civil servants whose pay rise this year was delayed because of filibustering; and the many families who will have to wait longer for a new home because opposition legislators object to the government’s every proposal to find land for building flats; and the frequent commuters to the mainland who want to see the co-location arrangements in place in the high-speed railway terminus.



  他们不应再继续做沉默的大多数,而应站起来清楚告诉反对派的议员,如果尝试阻挠修改《议事规则》的话,他们将会在下届立法会选举中被颓弃。 内容来自dedecms

  Hongkongers should stop being a silent majority and make their voices heard. They should tell the opposition legislators that they will be voted out in the next election if they try to block the rule amendments.


  修改《议事规则》对香港未来发展无比重要,假若我们无法修改规则,而立法会继续对政府每项议案进行“拉布”的话,香港将会继续沉沦,无药可救了! 织梦好,好织梦

  The upcoming proposal to change Legco rules is of paramount importance to the future development of Hong Kong. If we fail to amend the rules, and legislators continue to filibuster every government proposal, Hong Kong will probably be finished. 本文来自织梦

  来源:香港传真 织梦好,好织梦