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主页 > 世经 > 美国经济 > 驻加拿大使馆发言人应询就美方向加方提出引渡中国公民请求事发表谈话


发布时间:2019-01-31 作者:派智库 来源:红枫林网 浏览:【字体:

美方正式向加方提出引渡孟晚舟女士,中国驻加拿大使馆对此表示强烈不满和坚决反对。孟晚舟事件不是一起普通的司法案件,而是严重的政治事件。美方动用国家力量抹黑和打压特定的中国企业,企图扼杀企业的正当合法经营,背后有很强的政治企图和政治操弄。美加两国滥用他们之间的双边引渡条约,对中国公民无理采取强制措施,是对中国公民合法权益的严重侵犯。我们敦促加方认真对待中方严正立场,立即释放孟晚舟女士并切实保障她的合法、正当权益,不要为美火中取栗。The US files a request to the Canadian side for the extradition of Ms. Meng Wanzhou, the Chinese Embassy in Canada firmly opposesand strongly protests over such kind of action. The Meng Wanzhou case is by no means an ordinary judicial case, but a serious political incident. The US has been using state power to tarnish and crack down on specific Chinese companies in an attempt to strangle their lawful and legitimate operations. Behind such practices are deep political intentions and manipulations. The US and Canada abused their bilateral extradition agreement and took compulsory measures against a Chinese citizen for no reason. Such actions seriously violate the legitimate rights and interests of the Chinese citizen. We urge Canada to take China’s solemn position seriously, immediately release Ms. Meng Wanzhou and ensure her lawful and legitimate rights and interests, and stop risking its own interests for the benefits of the US.(文章来源:中国驻加大使馆)